You have been waiting for an opportunity...
to do something about climate change long enough,
because it's up to you to act now!
You might have been waiting to do your PDC for a while now,
browsing the right course…
But they all seem so…overwhelming
Maybe you were lacking money because doing your permaculture design course can costs you thousands of dollars (believe me, the money is worth it but it’s not for everyone)
You feel that taking this course will open doors for you
And it's the answer to the destruction of our beautiful planet.
Hi, I'm Kai Grey and I'll be your teacher
Kai Grey-he/they pronouns
Regenerative Landscape Expert
Some say that Kai is the key to save humanity (Merel Kriegsman)
It is his mission to heal 30 million acres of soil a year to reverse climate change. And you are going to help!
He studied among the best to bring you the best; Garden Historian (Magna Cum Laude) with focus on community gardens, Regenerative Agriculture taught by Dr. Vandana Shiva, Permaculture Design Course (PDC) taught by Geoff Lawton and Bill Mollison. Soil advocacy with Kiss the ground, Soil food web consultant with Dr. Elain Ingram, Holistic Land management by Allan Savory. Kai also consults for Climate Farmers EU.
If you don’t find them knee deep in gardening books, he is outdoors on adventures, or going out for lunch with his two sons (dressed up as superheroes)
'I love the structure, atmosphere and so far it's also really clear: it is structured and Kai provides context to the information. I love the video's and also love the podcast idea: comes in handy to listen when I want. It's not my first PDC, but for some reason (still trying to put my finger on it), this information is easier to acces, intake and understand.'
- L., PDC student
Get your PDC certificate
This Permaculture Design Course comes with certification, your proof you have done the 72 hour course that will teach you all the principles of permaculture (and more).
Get deep into the Dirt
Soil healing is proving to be of crucial importance in basically every natural process. In this course, an entire section is dedicated to the newest insights on soil health and healing. It is not called the Black Gold for nothing.
What other people say...
"Kai is a walking encyclopedia"
Sophia Remolde
"I'm really impressed with the info in the course and the teaching style."
You have reset me"
Tamara Wederfoort
"What you have done to our garden is amazing"
Ingeborg Soolsma
"Very addictive once you get in touch with Kai"
Lieke Vierhout
Permaculture Design Course
Advanced Permaculture Garden Design Course
- The Booklists!
- The Podcast!
- 1.1 Introduction to Permaculture (1:11 min)
- 2.1 Ethics of Permaculture part 1 (35 min)
- 2.2 Ethics of Permaculture part 2 (34 min)
- 2.3 Ethics of Permaculture part 3 (42 min)
- 3.1 Principles of Permaculture: Energy inputs (1:19 h)
- 3.2 Principles of Permaculture: Energy Cycling (27 min)
- 3.3 Principles of Permaculture: Energy Planning (37 min)
- 3.4 Principles of Permaculture: Stability- cover crop- companion planting (1:33 h)
- 3.5 Principles of Permaculture: Mulitifunctionality (57 min)
- 3.6 Principles of Permaculture: Put it in the right place and love for chickens (47 min)
- 3.7 Principles of Permaculture: Biological Resource (1:30 h)
- 3.8 Principles of Permaculture: Biodiversity
- 3.9 Principles of Permaculture: Diversity (1:02 h)
- 3.10 Principles of Permaculture: On seeds (32 min)
- 3.11 Principles of Permaculture: The Edge Effect (53 min)
- 3.12 Principles of Permaculture: Accelerate Succesion (25 min)
- 3.13 Principles of Permaculture: Yield (58 min)
- 3.14 Principles of Permaculture: Proximity (33 min)
- 3.15 Principles of Permaculture: Demonstration (58 min)
- Permaculture Design Assignment part 1
- 4.1 Paterns (1:45 h)
- 4.2 Viana- We know the way (polonisian natural navigation) (3 min)
- 5.1 Soil: Introduction (1:02 h)
- 5.2 Soil: Chapter 1 (10 min)
- 5.3 Soil: Chapter 2 (15 min)
- 5.4 Soil: Chapter 3 (12 min)
- 5.5 Soil: Chapter 4 (12 min)
- 5.6 Soil: Chapter 5 (41 min)
- 5.7 Soil: Chapter 6 (32 min)
- 5.8 Soil: Chapter 7 (60 min)
- 5.9 Soil: Chapter 8 (29 min)
- 5.10 Soil: Chapter 9 (20 min)
- 5.11 Soil: Chapter 10 (28 min)
- 5.12 Soil Lecture (as thought in Canada) (1:33 h)
- 6.1 Water: Chapter 1 (1:43 h)
- 6.2 Water: Chapter 2 (1:09 h)
- 6.3 Water Chapter 3: Contour, Keyline, Swales, Wadi’s and Earthworks (1:02 h)
- 6.4 Water Chapter 4: Dams (46 min)
- 6.6 Water: Case study: Cyclones (by Geoff Lawton) (10 min)
- 6.7 Water: Case study: Water on the Farm (by Geoff Lawton) (11 min)
- 7.1 Food Forest part 1 (1:17 h)
- 7.2 Food Forest part 2: Design for trees, Earth (41 min)
- 7.3 Food Forest part 3: Design for trees, Air (23 min)
- 7.4 Food Forest part 4: Design for trees, Water/Effects of deforestation (48 min)
- 7.5 Food Forest part 5: Design for trees: Natural succession (39 min)
- 7.6 Food Forest part 6: Practicality of food forest design (1:17 h)
- 7.7 Food Forest part 7: Maintenance (19 min)
- 8.1 Designing with Climate (57 min)
- 8.2 Designing with Climate: Climate, Ice and Weather Whiplash (Dr. Jennifer Frances) (7 min)
- 8.3 Designing with Climate: Lord Stern Review 2013 - Our Time is Now or Never (Nicholas Stern) (40 min)
- 8.4 Designing with Climate: Geoff Leads a Teaching Tour of the 'Greening the Desert' site (56 min)
- 8.5 Designing with Climate: Part 2 Greening the Desert (36 min)
- Permaculture Design Assignment part 2